Online Lessons Blog

1.  When/for what reasons might you use online lessons with your students? Why?

I like the idea of using online lessons for differentiation, collaborating with peers, and allowing students to go at their own pace (even going back to review if it doesn't make sense).   These lessons also provide students with quick access to websites, videos, and other technology tools to enhance learning and provide ways for students to use critical thinking/deeper learning, as well as offer other creative assessment opportunities.  I feel these lessons would motivate students and offer a different way to learn content.  I would also teach lesson online because it would free up my time to be spent helping struggling students, working closely with my ELL's, and doing group work.

2.  Which model - WebQuest or Hyperdoc - do you prefer? Why?

I prefer the Hyperdoc model, although I actually like both models, because it seems to match more with what I am already doing most of the time when instructing students in my classroom. When I am teaching succeeding lessons on a topic, I often discover that the lesson may need to be tweaked for the next day or when presenting the material in the future. I like the idea of only needing to make some minor changes on the Hyperdoc as a quick fix. I also like how when using the Hyperdoc, there could be a doc for each student, making it easy to quickly assess where the students are, and offer differentiated instruction for varying levels of student ability. I think it would be crucial to make sure this model doesn't turn into something similar to answering a worksheet. I would definitely provide opportunities for collaborating and group work and be available for feedback and questioning as students were going through the steps.

3.  Give an example of a specific lesson you might teach using a WebQuest or Hyperdoc. Why would you teach that particular lesson online?

When students were writing a report on animals in my second grade classroom to go with the writing standard, W.2.7.Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a report; record science observations, I found it difficult to find quality resources for  students to access online, and they became frustrated because of the vast amount of options to choose from. Therefore, I mostly used books and info cards as resources. 

The Hyperdoc model would be perfect for this type of research!  This method is a way to organize the materials and make it easy for them to access the info on their animal without difficulty. They would also have easy access to online links and videos, which is critical in 21st Century Learning.

Recently, I have shown this video:
at the beginning of the research project as an anticipatory activity. I allow the students to talk freely to each other about the animals they see on the screen and what they observe them doing.
This would fit in nicely with the ENGAGE portion of the Hyperdoc model if I chose to use it. 

I especially like the EXPLORE part of this model, allowing students to have options right at their fingertips to explore many different animals. They would be able to see multiple animal options before choosing the animal they would decide on. 

The EXPLAIN part of this model would still allow for some direct instruction., which I would do with the whole class, and not online. I feel direct instruction is necessary to clarify and build confidence in students before they tackle the project with their partner. It also gives students an opportunity to ask questions and clarify expectations.

I like that students would be able to EXPLORE first, then get the instruction. They would already be excited about researching their animal. I would then give them more time to go back and EXPLORE even more before deciding on their animal and creating the final project or report.

The other steps of this model would also be easy to put in with this lesson on animal research. In addition to the actual writing of their report, there could be many different options for assessing their knowledge and presenting their report to the class. They could use technology tools to create their presentation or other options for creativity (hand-made posters, etc.) to address all learning styles, which also provides opportunities for choice.

Note:  I would not take out the part of their research that involves looking through real books with their partner or on their own to gain further information, as I have numerous books with engaging pictures and facts that often peak curiosity and lead the student(s) to desire to learn more on their own. I also feel that reading from real books gives them an opportunity to take ownership of the material by handling it with their own hands.  In addition, it gives them the option of taking the book home if they don't have access to computers, which is often the case in the Title 1 school I teach at. They will often choose these informational books over other options when given a choice.

I loved the Hyperdoc link below. I would probably use most of the elements and content in it to teach my research online lesson, although the EXPLAIN and APPLY section would need to be changed to fit the writing standard I am using. The virtual field trip to the San Diego Zoo in the EXTEND part of the Hyperdoc is excellent!

My Favorite Zoo Animal 
